Plant Protection

161 Products
Etofenprox 28.75%
Emulsifiable Concentrate (EC)
Formetanate 50%
(Water) Soluble Powder (SP)
Paraffin Oil 99,1%
Emulsifiable Concentrate (EC)
Copper hydroxide with metallic copper 35%
Water Dispersible Granules (WG)
Flutolanil 46%
Suspension Concentrate (SC)
NPK & Elements%
NPK & Elements%
Daminozide 85,14%
Soluble Granules (SG)
Siloxane polyalkalenoxide copolymer %
Polyalkalenoxide %
Acetamiprid 20%
(Water) Soluble Granules (SG)
Variety that combines high yield and excellent quality
Festuca Arundinacea - 3rd generation
Dichondra Reppens
Bermuda grass
Grass mixture, for use in recreation and landscaping
Mixture for sports fields
Mixture for use in sports fields & dry climatic conditions
Flonicamid 50%
Water dispersible granules (WG)
Pyraflufen ethyl 2,65%
Emulsifiable Concentrate (EC)
Glyphosate acid 36%
Soluble Liquid (SL)
Acequinocyl 16,4%
Suspension Concentrate (SC)
Tebufenozide 24%
Suspension Concentrate (SC)
Copper oxide with metallic copper 75%
Water Dispersible Granules (WG)
Cyflufenamid 10%
Suspension Concentrate (SC)
Cyflufenamid 5,13%
Emulsion in Water (EW)
Ethephon 48%
Soluble Liquid (SL)
Nicosulfuron 6%
Oil Dispersion (OD)
Eugenol 3.3%
Geraniol 6.6%
Thymol 6.6%
Capsule suspension (CS)
Glyphosate acid 48%
Soluble Liquid (SL)
Hexythiazox 25%
Suspension Concentrate (SC)
Harpin αβ 1%
Water Dispersible Granules (WG)
Diflufenican 4%
Chlorotoluron 60%
Suspension Concentrate (SC)
Glyphosate acid 24%
2,4 D acid 16%
Soluble Liquid (SL)
Lambda - cyhalothrin 5%
Emulsifiable granules (EG)
Gibberellic acid 20%
(Water) Soluble Tablets (ST)
Dichlorprop-P 2.5%
Emulsifiable Concentrate (EC)
6-Benzyladenine 1.9%
Gibberellins A4/7 1.9%
Soluble Liquid (SL)
B. thuringiensis ssp. aizawai  strain GC-91 50%
Water Dispersible Powder (WP)
Beauveria bassiana  strain GHA 10,7%
Oil Dispersion (OD)
Bacillus thuringiensis var. Kurstaki strain SA-12 85%
Water Dispersible Granules (WG)
Pyrethrins 4%
Emulsifiable Concentrate (EC)
Methyl esters 37.5%
Oleic acid 5%
Phosphate esters 22.5%
Emulsifiable Concentrate (EC)
Alcohol ethoxylated 20%
Soluble Liquid (SL)
Alcohol ethoxylated 8.15%
Soluble Liquid (SL)
Folpet 40%
Metalaxyl 10%
Water Dispersible Powder (WP)
Copper oxychloride with metallic copper 50%
Water Dispersible Powder (WP)
Tribasic copper sulfate with metallic copper 19%
Suspension Concentrate (SC)
Copper hydroxide with metallic copper 36,3%
Suspension Concentrate (SC)
Fenpyrazamine 50%
Water Dispersible Granules (WG)
Terbuthylazine 33%
Mesotrione 7%
Suspension Concentrate (SC)
Glyphosate acid 36%
Soluble Liquid (SL)
Glyphosate acid 36%
Soluble Liquid (SL)
Fluometuron 50%
Suspension Concentrate (SC)
Fluometuron 50%
Suspension Concentrate (SC)
2,4-D acid 60%
Soluble Liquid (SL)
MCPA acid 50%
Soluble Liquid (SL)
Pendimethalin 45.5%
Suspension Concentrate (SC)
Quizalofop-p ethyl 5%
Emulsifiable concentrate (EC)
Acetamiprid 5%
Soluble Liquid (SL)
Azadirachtin A 2,6%
Emulsifiable Concentrate (EC)
Bacillus amyloliquefaciens subsp. plantarum strain D747 25%
Water Dispersible Granules (WG)
Dimethomorph  18%
Zoxamide 18%
Suspension Concentrate (SC)
Florasulam 5%
Suspension Concentrate (SC)
2,4-D acid 34,5%
MCPA 34.5%
Soluble Liquid (SL)
Fluazifop-p-butyl  12.5%
Emulsifiable Concentrate (EC)
Sulcotrione 30%
Suspension Concentrate (SC)
Clodinafop-Propargyl 24%
Emulsifiable Concentrate (EC)
Cyprodinil 30%
Emulsifiable Concentrate (EC)
Tebuconazole 20%
Oil-in- water emulsion (EW)
Acetamiprid 20%
Soluble Liquid (SL)
Hexythiazox 3.12%
Fenpyroximate 6.24%
Suspension Concentrate (SC)
Maltodextrin 47.6%
Soluble Liquid (SL)
1-Naphthylacetic acid (1-NAA)  1%
(Water) Soluble Powder (SP)
NPK & Elements%
Suspension Concentrate (SC) NPK + ιχνοστοιχείων.
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